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RME DIGI963624 Bit / 96 kHz, 36-channel digital audio card (NB verkrijgbaar tot 01-01-06) Artikelcode: Std-Ra-Rm-16
The optional Expansion Board turns the Light into a fully equipped DIGI9652 at any time.
Hammerfall Light also allows to connect further Expansion Boards (EXB). One internal ADAT input and two internal ADAT outputs allow you to realize up to 8 analog inputs, 16 analog outputs or even one TDIF interface directly inside the computer.
2 x ADAT digital I/O, based on RME's reliable Bitclock PLL
1 x SPDIF digital I/O, based on RME's reliable DIGI96 technology
1 x ADAT Sync In (9-pin D-type) for sample accurate transfers
1 x Breakout cable for coaxial SPDIF operation
Zero wait state PCI Busmaster interface with additional burst FIFO (130 MB/s transfer rate in both directions)
New hardware design: 36 mono channels in block mode, organized in 32 bit ASIO double buffers
ASIO poured in hardware! The result in speed and performance is 0 (zero!)% CPU load when using ALL 36 channels!
130 MB/s transfer rate for record and playback results in only 7% PCI bus load when using all 36 channels
New Enhanced Zero Latency Monitoring
S/MUX poured in hardware: 8 channels 96 kHz/24 bit for record and playback
...and numerous other features found already in the DIGI96 series cards - for a price that can't be beaten!
The Hammerfall series offers drivers for Windows 98/ME (MME with multi-client operation, ASIO 2.0, GSIF), Windows NT, Windows 2000/XP (ASIO multi-client operation of MME, GSIF 2.0 and ASIO 2.0), Mac OS 9.x (ASIO 2.0), Mac OS X (Core Audio) and Linux (ALSA.)
Supported sample frequencies: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz
All settings changeable in realtime, all output options even in playback mode
Clock modes slave and master
Special sample buffer avoids noise even in asynchronous Full Duplex operation
Enhanced Mixed mode: ADAT® input plus SPDIF input plus all outputs simultaneous operational
Automatic and intelligent master/slave clock control
Unsurpassed Bitclock PLL (audio synchronization) in ADAT® mode
8 buffer sizes/latencies available: 1.5 ms, 3 ms, 6 ms, 12 ms, 23 ms, 46 ms, 93 ms, 186 ms
Byte swap for Mac included in hardware
Enhanced Zero Latency Monitoring: realtime monitoring in all clock modes and even at different sample rates
Comes with DIGICheck: the ultimate measurement, analysis and test tool
Complete interrupt sharing
Input 2 x optical (TOSLINK), 1 x coaxial (Phono), internal (CD-ROM/Sync-In)
Input format SPDIF, AES/EBU (Consumer, Professional), ADAT® optical
Output 2 x optical (TOSLINK), coaxial (Phono), internal (Sync-Out)
Format output SPDIF, AES/EBU (Consumer/Professional), ADAT® optical
Intelligent clock control according to operational mode and present/desired sample rate.
Bitclock PLL
The most reliable receiver circuit for ADAT optical signal.
Enhanced ZLM®
Monitoring of the input signal, independent from clock mode and sample rate.
Custom chip (FPGA) ensures full performance and minimal driver action.
Latency Fast Change
Change latency on-the-fly under ASIO, without manual reset or re-boot.
Ultra-efficient busmaster controller with additional burst FIFO.
Surveillance and sample accurate synchronization of all channels.
Comparison and display of all input's clock status.
Zero Latency Monitoring - ZLM®
Automatic monitoring of the input signal with zero latency.
A complete overview of all the unique technologies in the Hammerfall series can be found here.
euro 349.00